Educational Law
Here at BTLAW:
The performance of the Educational Law team is not limited to the legal-procedural field. The office also brings innovation in the operationalization of the accreditation, authorization, and recognition processes,through its unique system.
Services in this area include:
- Analysis of the institution's academic, administrative, and financial procedures, in light of the current regulatory legislation;
- Issuance of Opinions;
- Monitoring the processes of accreditation and reaccreditation of educational institutions and distance education centers, as well as the processes of authorization, recognition and renewal of course recognition, with the filing of appeals whenever necessary, in the context of e-MEC;
- Sponsorship of educational institutions in lawsuits, whoever the plaintiffs may be;
- Conducting the defense of educational institutions in administrative procedures with the MEC, Public Ministry, PROCONs, professional bodies, etc;
- Our highly specialized team is prepared to really understand and meet the client institution’s needs.
Rodrigo Arantes Barcellos
Eduardo Froehlich Zangerolami
Evadren Antonio Flaibam
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