Investment Funds
Here at BTLAW:
The firm has extensive technical and practical knowledge of the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) and is active in structuring and resolving complex issues related to investment funds and public offerings of securities, as well as advising fiduciary administrators, asset managers, and other service providers in the industry.
It has been a member of the IR Global network since 2018, as an exclusive representative in the investment funds sector in Brazil, in accordance to its outstanding performance in the area.
The advisory encompasses issues such as:
- Structuring of investment funds of all kinds, including structured funds (FIP, FII and FIDC);
- Structuring of public offerrs of investment fund shares;
- Structuring of fiduciary administrators, asset managers, and other persons and companies subject to CVM regulation, including the process of authorization to operate;
- Structuring, implementing, and analyzing governance and compliance policies;
- Assistance in routine matters of investment funds, including asset allocation and organization and follow-up of shareholders' meetings.
José Luis Leite Doles
Otávio Augusto de Lara Borsato
Ricardo dos Santos de Almeida Vieira
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