Banking, Financial and Capital Markets
Here at BTLAW:
Sophistication, innovation and agility in solving regulatory issues, structuring financial operations and banking products with the involvement of experienced specialists widely recognized by the market.
The advisory services provided range from regulatory support and negotiation in the incorporation, mergers and acquisitions of financial institutions to participation in the development of banking products and structuring of financial operations, with emphasis on:
- Obtaining regulatory approvals in the incorporation, mergers, and acquisitions of financial institutions;
- Elaboration of local debt instruments (bank credit bills, real estate credit bills, loan agreements) including the respective guarantees;
- External debt operations (external bank loans, syndicated or not);
- Local and international bank guarantees, including documentary credits and performance bonds;
- Local or international leasing operations;
- Specialized advisory services in exchange operations;
- Support in negotiating and preparing documentation in derivatives operations, futures and forward markets;
- Specialized advisory regarding the regulations issued by the Central Bank and CVM;
- Securitization of receivables;
- Trade Finance, including funding agencies.
José Luis Leite Doles
Otávio Augusto de Lara Borsato
Ricardo dos Santos de Almeida Vieira
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