Public Records
Here at BTLAW:
In order to meet clients’ demands even more assertively, the firm has integrated the knowledge with the experience of several professionals, especially those in Real Estate, Civil | Commercial, Family | Succession and Tax, to ensure broad coverage on all issues related to Public Records.
The team is qualified to support clients both in day-to-day matters and in complex situations involving the provision of delegated public services, especially issues related to Record Doubts, and the entire range of matters associated with Real Estate Records. It also acts on pending issues and questions related to Notary Publics, Protests of Titles and Civil Records of Natural Persons. The Public Records area also coordinates the service to the holders of Registry and Notary Services delegations (Extrajudicial Notaries), focusing on the improvement of the performed activities.
The services in Public Records cover:
- Issuance of Opinions;
- Sponsorship of judicial and administrative proceedings within the scope of the Courts of Public Records and Corregeditories of Justice;
- Consulting.
Marcio M. Bonilha
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