Eduardo Froehlich Zangerolami

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Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080 Extension 9067
Languages: Portuguese and English
OAB: OAB/SP 246414 OAB/RJ 210,532
Area(s) of Expertise: Array
About: Eduardo has extensive experience in Tax Litigation, Administrative and Judicial, both in direct | indirect taxes and social security contributions. Serving companies from various sectors of the economy, especially Real Estate, Chemical, Petrochemical, Services, Educational, Technology and Investment Funds, he focuses on developing end to end solutions that reconcile, in a practical and objective manner, the legislation to the business of his clients. Eduardo is one of the heads of the Technology and Innovation Committee of the firm.
  • Extension in Tax Accounting at the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies - IBET - 2015.
  • Specialization (LLM) in Tax Law at Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (current name of the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets - IBMEC/SP) - 2011.
  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) at UniFMU Law School - 2005.

Other Activities

Effective member of the Tax Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law (IBRADIM).


  • O Ganho de Capital na Venda de Imóvel Rural, In: Loteamento e Condomínio de Lotes, Rodrigo Antonio Dias e Vinícius Ribeiro (Coord.). São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 1ª ed., 2019.
  • Tributação do Ganho de Capital nas Operações Imobiliárias, In: Direito Imobiliário Atual, Daniel Aureo de Castro (Coord.). São Paulo: Elsevier, 1ª ed., 2013.

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