RegulaBT | BC Normative of the Week - July 25th to 29th

BCB Normative Instruction n° 286, 25/7/2022
Change in the Layout of document code 2061 - DLO

BCB Normative Instruction n° 287, 27/7/2022
New operating procedures relating to the STR, the Bank Reserves account and the Settlement Account

BCB Normative Instruction n. 288, July 27, 2002
Revokes norms related to the Central Bank Rediscount and to the Special Temporary Liquidity Line.

BCB Resolution n° 230, 27/7/2022
Express revocation of normative acts of the Central Bank related to RWA

BCB Resolution n°231, 27/7/2022
Postponed to January 1, 2023 the entry into force of the possibility for payment institutions to operate in the foreign exchange market.

BCB Resolution n° 232, 27/7/2022
New Procedures for RWA recognition

Resolution BCB n° 233, 27/7/2022
Authorization processes related to the operation of consortium administrators.

Resolution BCB n° 234, 27/7/2022
Constitution and operation of consortium administrators.

BCB Resolution n° 235, 27/7/2022
New Rules for Remuneration of the PI Account

BCB Resolution n° 236, 27/7/2022
Disclosure of the Compliance Policy of the Central Bank.

BCB Normative Instruction n° 289 of 29/7/2022

The elapsing of deadlines to which applicants are subject in the processes of opening Bank Reserves Accounts, Settlement Accounts and Instant Payment Accounts, and for direct participation in the STR and SPI have been re-established.

Normative Instruction BCB No. 291 of 7/29/2022

Procedures required to join Pix.

Normative Instruction BCB No. 290 of 7/29/2022

Procedures required for formal homologation tests in the DICT, for the validation of QR Codes, for the validation of the provision of payment transaction initiation service, and for the homologation tests for the publication of information regarding the withdrawal service, under the Pix.