Trademarks and patents - End of INPI's suspension of time limits

After a succession of extensions to the suspension of deadlines, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published on May 26 a notice informing that the administrative proceedings will resume as of today, June 1, 2020.

Following the logic of the previous communications, the deadlines will resume where they left off, with the time remaining when the suspension was initiated. The deadlines not yet started will start counting from now on.

The BPTO further clarifies that if the user cannot perform any procedural act, the user must inform and justify the fact by electronic petition for the postponement to be decided.

Barcellos Tucunduva Advogados - Intellectual Property Team
Dr. Karin Klempp Franco, LL.M. - [email protected]
Luiz Fernando Andrade - [email protected]
Livia Moraes - [email protected]