CVM regulates digital meetings for debentures, CRIs, CRAs and promissory notes

On May 14, 2020, CVM Ruling No. 625 was published, which provides for digital meetings and remote voting for debenture holders, holders of promissory notes, holders of CRIs (Certificates of Real Estate Receivables) and holders of CRAs (Certificates of Agribusiness Receivables).

We recommend reading the rule, but we highlight the following provisions: (i) responsibilities for convening the meeting (company or fiduciary agent); (ii) rules for the exercise of remote voting; (iii) forms of recording the presence of investors; and (iv) guidelines on the completion of the minutes.

Meetings convened prior to the Instruction may be held partially or exclusively digitally, subject to certain guidelines set forth in the Instruction.

To access CVM Normative Instruction 625, click here.

The Capital Markets team of Barcellos Tucunduva Advogados is available to clarify any doubts related to the above topic, at [email protected]