The ANP's Superintendence of Operational Safety and Environment (SSM) published last 31/01/2020 the opening of Public Consultation 2/2020, with the purpose of calling the local community, authorities, stakeholders and market agents to present subsidies for the consolidation of the Sedimentary Area Environmental Study (EAAS) of the Sergipe - Alagoas/Jacuípe maritime sedimentary basin.
There will be 4 face-to-face meetings between March 02 and 10, from 2pm to 7pm, for manifestations of the registered interested parties during the meeting's thematic panels that will deal with: (i) regional socio-environmental diagnosis; (ii) impacts of exploration and production activities of oil and natural gas; and (iii) classification regarding the suitability and guidelines for the development of the activity.
In addition, comments may be submitted to until May 1, 2020.
The EAAS is a multidisciplinary study designed to support decision-making on the granting of areas for oil and natural gas exploration, in addition to containing recommendations to be integrated into decision-making processes related to the granting of exploration blocks and the respective environmental licensing of petroleum activities. As established in Interministerial Ordinance MMA/MME 198, of April 5, 2012, the EAAS is the central instrument of the Environmental Assessment of Sedimentary Areas (AAAS) process, which includes monitoring by an inter-ministerial group called the Technical Monitoring Committee (composed of MME, MMA, ANP, Ibama, EPE, ICMBio).
The EAAS results in a socio-environmental diagnosis with recommendations for environmental licensing, and seeks to bring subsidies for the planning of public policies for oil and natural gas, in order to bring transparency to the process of making exploratory areas available through bidding rounds and Permanent Offer.
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