Thiago Amaral

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Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080 Ext. 9222
Languages: Portuguese and English
OAB: OAB/SP 221.789
Practice Area(s): Contracts, Means of Payment and Information Technology, Fintechs, Insurtechs
About: Born in São Paulo/SP, in 1980. Member of the Brazilian Bar Association since 2004. Thiago has extensive experience and knowledge in business contracts in several areas, especially in the segments of Means of Payment and Technology. Thiago has been very active in Open Banking, Insurtechs and PIX transactions. He advises clients in the structuring and legal feasibility of financial, insurance and means of payment products, as well as in the drafting and negotiation of the various contractual instruments necessary for the development of the business. He has a doctorate and a master's degree and teaches in the postgraduate courses at Fundação Getúlio Vargas and Insper.
  • Doctoral student and Master's Degree (2015) in Commercial Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC/SP.
  • Specialist in Corporate Law from FGV DIREITO SP - GvLaw (2008).
  • Graduated in Law from UniFMU Law School (2003).

Articles and Publications

  • Right of Return in Factoring Contracts. Curitiba: Juruá, 2016.
  • Inflationary Expurgation under the Higher Courts' Standpoint. Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, v.62. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2013.
  • Disinterest of Foreign Investors due to Abuses in the Application of the Disregard of Legal Entity. Ensaios Críticos de Direito Privado, Cláudia Mara de Almeida Rabelo Viegas e Outros (Org.). Belo Horizonte: Arraes Editores, 2015.
  • Validity of the Resolutive Clause in the Recuperation Law. Revista de Direito Recuperacional e Empresa - RDRE. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, n° 06,2017.
  • Considerations on inflationary adjustments and the understanding of the Superior Courts. Revista dos Tribunais, no. 989, year 107, 2018.
  • Nullity of the Arbitral Award for Violation of the Due Legal Process. Multidisciplinary Vision of Conflict Solutions in Brazil. João Grandino Rodas and Others (Coord.). Collection of Law and Economics Library. Brasília: Cedes and Prisma, 2018.

Other Activities

Professor of Contractual Law in several postgraduate courses, at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGVLaw (since 2015).
Professor of Contractual Law in the post-graduation course in Business Law at Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa - Insper (since 2020).
Professor of Contractual Law in the graduation course in Law, of Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo (2008 - 2012).


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