Marcio M. Bonilha Filho
Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080
Languages: Portuguese
Practice Area(s): Litigation, Real Estate, Public Records
About: With more than 32 years dedicated to the judiciary, Marcio was a Judge, Corregedor of Extrajudicial Offices and Associate Justice of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. Recognized as one of the leading professionals in the area of Public Registries in the country, he is a member of the Advisory Board of Ibradim and, since joining the firm, has prepared legal opinions on complex issues of Public Registries | Real Estate Law and legal advice to the holders of Extrajudicial Servants.
Education: Graduated in Law from the University of São Paulo Law School - 1984.
Other Activities:
- Magistrate of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (1988 | 2020);
- Justice at the 26th Chamber of Private Law of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (2013 | 2020);
- President of the 11th Public Examination of Places and Titles for granting of Notary and Registration Delegations of the State of São Paulo (2018 | 2020);
- Judge of the 2nd Court of Public Records of the City of Capital (1999 | 2013);
- Member of the Ibradim Council
Co-author "Lei de Registros Públicos Comentada", Editora Forense
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