Lawyer's Day: Interview with Luciana Reis do Rosário Pires

Today (15/12) is celebrated the Lawyer's Day. To commemorate the date, we interviewed our partner Luciana Reis do Rosário Pires.


1.Why is it important to have more women practising law?

For some 25 years now we have seen women's presence on university benches either equal to or slightly higher than that of men. Surveys show a proportion of 51% women, compared to 49% men. Law is a branch that requires study and dedication, attributes that can be met by everyone.

The female vision tends to add strategic value to the discussions that take place in the business world, which is still predominantly male. When we represent individuals, a female lawyer's work conveys the message of representativeness and diversity.

2.What is missing for women lawyers to be in leadership positions in law firms?

The female presence is already a reality in the profession. However, the opportunities for leadership are far from being equivalent between men and women. There is a lack of understanding that leadership does not need to be uniform and have the same characteristics. Understanding that different leadership and behavioural profiles add value to offices. Women should not be required to have "masculine" behaviours in order to be seen as potential leaders. We need to break down the macho view that motherhood impacts on female competence, that children are the exclusive obligation of women, when it is enough to offer flexibility and mothers will be able to manage the demands of their children and their profession. Men need to see women as peers: not as intruders in an environment considered as male - or rather, they need to understand that the leadership environment should not be male or female, but diverse, with complementary profiles and characteristics.


3.And what does the office gain by investing in a female leadership?

The firm gains representativeness and diversity of views and opinions. It broadens the possibilities of understanding the clients' needs with a more holistic and complete vision, being able to build better strategies and solutions for the demands.


4.What is the role of women in the transformation of the legal market?

The legal market is still seen as an elitist, masculine, aggressive environment. The increase in female participation opens the way for gender and racial diversity and inclusion.

Combativeness for the defence of clients does not need to be aggressive. The role of law is intrinsically related to society. We cannot have a legal world detached from the real world. Society is diverse. The rights to be represented are diverse. The legal market cannot be "uniform", closed in on a single profile.

Women lawyers play an important role in bringing the legal market and society closer together.

Myrthes Gomes is a reference for women lawyers throughout the country. Which other women lawyers are a reference for you and can serve as an example for other women who wish to enter the law?

There are so many friends and colleagues I have worked with that I run a great risk of forgetting someone when trying to name them. Great teachers and many incredible women who inspired and inspire me. The presence of Cármen Lúcia and Rosa Weber in the STF is a great reference. My partners Rachel Tucunduva and Karin Klempp Franco are daily references and inspiration.

Personally, I cannot fail to mention my greatest reference: my mother-in-law, Sylvia Steiner, retired judge from the International Criminal Court, retired judge from the TRF 3rd region, who began her life as a lawyer, was a federal prosecutor, before joining the judiciary. A great example of a brilliant woman, strong, who raised children and rose in her career thanks to her competence and dedication.