Maurice van Heemstede

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Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080 Extension 9086
Languages: Portuguese, English and German
OAB: OAB/SP 72.272
 OAB/RJ 211.710
Area(s) of Expertise: Array
About: Maurice has over 30 years of experience in business law, acquired in multinational companies and in the firm. His training and experience in Law and Business Administration ensure a special ability in the conduct of his clients' demands and in the identification of solutions that bring the best benefit, with an outstanding performance in the machinery and equipment sector, especially with European companies and in the retail sector.
  • Graduate in Law from the University of São Paulo Law School - 1984.
  • Graduated in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), with specialty in Finance - 1981.

Other Activities

For eleven years (1984 - 1995), he has held various positions at Ferrostaal do Brasil S.A. Comércio e Indústria, a company of the German MAN Group, the latter being the Legal Manager.

He was President for 8 years of the NGO Aldeias Infantis SOS Brasil, with a worldwide presence, currently holding the position of advisor.


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