Giancarllo Melito
Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080 Extension 909
Languages: Portuguese, English and French
OAB: OAB/SP 196467 OAB/RJ 210,536
Giancarllo Melito
Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080 Extension 909
Languages: Portuguese, English and French
OAB: OAB/SP 196467 OAB/RJ 210,536
Area(s) of Expertise: Array
About: Giancarllo has extensive experience and knowledge in the segments of Payment Media, Open Banking and PIX, which have elevated him to the main reference in the Market.
With masters and doctorate degrees in Brazil and France, added to his business experience, he shares his knowledge in post-graduate courses at Fundação Getúlio Vargas and undergraduate courses at the University of the City of São Paulo. With passages by the Chamber of Commerce France - Brazil and by the National Association of Fomento Mercantil, won several awards throughout his prestigious career, especially Who's Who Legal and Analysis 500.
- Doctor in Law (approved cum laude) by the Law School of the University of São Paulo - USP and by the University of Angers / France (2013).
- Award for best thesis in the biennium 2012/2013, at USP Law School.
- Master in Contractual Law (approved cum laude) by the University of Angers / France - Diplôme d'Études Approfondies -Transdisciplinaire des Actes Juridiques (2005).
- Expert in Business Law from UniFMU Law School (2003).
- Graduated in Law from UniFMU Law School (2001).
Other Activities:
- Professor of Contractual Law at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - GVLaw post-graduation courses (since 2009).
- Professor of Contractual Law at the Universidade da Cidade de São Paulo (2007 - 2012).
- Coordinator of the Commission of Support to Small and Medium Companies of the Chamber of Commerce France-Brazil - CCFB (2007 - 2008).
- Member of the Legal Committee of the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce - CCFB (2007 - 2009).
- Legal Counselor of the National Association of Factoring Companies - ANFAC (2002 - 2004).
- "Giancarllo Melito is an "excellent and well-known" practitioner with a "very niche focus" in the fintech space" - WWL
- Analysis Advocacia 2021 - Second in the ranking of the most admired lawyers in the State of São Paulo
- Analysis Advocacy 2021- Third in the ranking in the specialties Banking, Regulatory and Digital
- Analysis Advocacia 2021 - Fifth in the ranking in the Specialty Services specialty
- Who's Who Legal 2020 - Global Leader in the Banking - Fintech category
- Analysis Advocacia 2020 - First in the ranking of the Financial sector
- Analysis Advocacia 2020 - Third in the ranking in the Financial Operations specialty
- Analysis Advocacia 2020 - Third in the ranking in the Regulatory specialty
- Análise Advocacia 2020 - Third in the ranking of the most admired lawyers in the State of São Paulo
- Advocacy Analysis 2019 - Fifth in the most admired ranking in the state of São Paulo
- Advocacy Analysis 2019 - Fifth in the most admired ranking in the Economic sector - Banks
- Advocacy Analysis 2018 - Third in the ranking of most admired in the Economic sector - Machinery and Equipment
- Law Practice Analysis 2017 - Second in the ranking of the most admired in the state of São Paulo
- Law Firm Analysis 2017 - Second in the ranking of the most admired in the Economic sector - Machines and Equipment
- Análise Advocacia 2017 - Second in the ranking of the most admired in the specialty of Business Contracts
- 2016 Advocacy Analysis - First in the ranking in the Economic sector - Machinery and Equipment
- Law Practice Analysis 2016 - Third in the most admired ranking in the state of São Paulo
- Contrato de Distribuição, In: Contratos de Organização da Atividade Econômica, Wanderley Fernandes (Org.). São Paulo: Saraiva, 1ª ed., 2011.
- Nulidade da Sentença Arbitral por Violação do Devido Processo Legal. In: Visão Multidisciplinar das Soluções de Conflitos no Brasil. João Grandino Rodas e Outros (Coord.). Coleção Biblioteca de Direito e Economia. Brasília: Cedes e Prisma, 2018.
- Validade da Cláusula Resolutiva no Direito Recuperacional. Revista de Direito Recuperacional e Empresa – RDRE. São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, n° 06, 2017.
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