The federal capital followed the country's trend for simple names; of the 50 most registered in the Federal District, only ten are compounds
The list of the most registered names by baby registry offices in the Federal District in 2023 reveals that Brazilians choose more simple names than compound ones - not surprisingly, the top choice of the year in the Federal District was Helena, with 451 babies, followed by Miguel, with 438 newborns. Of the 50 preferred names, only ten are compounds.
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Helena and Miguel were so popular that, together, they represent 2% of all children born in the federal capital in 2023 - 42,898. The figures are from the registry offices that are part of the Civil Registry Transparency Portal, the website of the National Association of Natural Persons Registrars (Arpen-Brasil).
The results in the Federal District followed the trends seen nationwide. The local ranking only reversed the order - nationwide, there were 25,888 registrations of Miguel and 23,816 of Helena. Once again, the two names represent 2% of all 2,472,556 birth certificates issued in Brazil in 2023. Among the 50 most common names on the national list, only 11 are compound.
Lawyer Marcio Bonilha, a retired judge and partner at Barcellos Tucunduva, explains that the most registered names are those considered traditional. "It can be concluded that we are seeing a trend towards the revival of names with classic roots. R7 listed the 50 most frequent results in the Federal District and Brazil in 2023 and separated out the most common names among girls and boys in the federal capital; check out the full rankings below. The data was collected by the report on December 21.
See: For the 13th year in a row, 'Miguel' is 1st in ranking of names given to babies in 2023
50 most registered names in the Federal District in 2023
1) Helena: 451
2) Miguel: 438
3) Heitor: 397
3) Theo: 397
4) Gael: 361
5) Maria Alice: 351
6) Noah: 350
7) Davi: 340
8) Bernardo: 333
9) Laura: 329
10) Maitê: 325
11) Ravi: 311
12) Arthur: 308
13) Samuel: 300
14) Alice: 291
15) Maria Cecilia: 278
16) Cecilia: 276
17) Levi: 259
18) Gabriel: 258
19) Heloisa: 234
20) Liz: 222
21) Aurora: 219
22) João Miguel: 219
23) Maria Clara: 203
24) Anthony: 201
25) Elisa: 198
26) Maria Helena: 191
27) Isaac: 182
28) Benicio: 179
29) Pedro: 162
30) Maria Julia: 157
31) Eloá: 147
32) Daniel: 139
33) Isis: 138
34) Maya: 137
35) Sophia: 132
36) Henrique: 129
36) Nicolas: 129
37) Lorenzo: 128
38) Valentina: 127
39) Julia: 126
40) Ana Liz: 125
41) Rafael: 123
42) Murilo: 123
43) Manuela: 122
44) Ayla: 121
45) João Pedro: 120
45) Lucas: 120
45) Isadora: 120
46) Benjamin: 113
47) Isabella: 112
48) Enzo Gabriel: 111
49) Eloah: 109
50) Davi Lucca: 108
Top 10 male names registered in the Federal District in 2023
1) Miguel: 438
2) Heitor: 397
2) Theo: 397
3) Gael: 361
4) Noah: 350
5) Davi: 340
6) Bernardo: 333
7) Ravi: 311
8) Arthur: 308
9) Samuel: 300
10) Levi: 259
10 most registered female names in the Federal District in 2023
1) Helena: 451
2) Maria Alice: 351
3) Laura: 329
4) Maitê: 325
5) Alice: 291
6) Maria Cecilia: 278
7) Cecilia: 276
8) Heloisa: 234
9) Liz: 222
10) Aurora: 219
50 most registered names in 2023 in Brazil
1) Miguel: 25,888
2) Helena: 23,816
3) Gael: 23,078
4) Theo: 20,429
5) Arthur: 20,334
6) Heitor: 20,263
7) Maria Alice: 19,703
8) Alice: 18,020
9) Davi: 17,541
10) Laura: 17,227
11) Ravi: 16,819
12) Bernardo: 15,829
13) Samuel: 15,814
14) Cecilia: 15,512
15) Noah: 15,107
16) Maria Cecilia: 14,556
17) Anthony: 14,308
18) Maitê: 14,186
19) Gabriel: 14,158
20) João Miguel: 12,995
21) Pedro: 10,961
22) Benicio: 10,920
23) Heloisa: 10,564
24) Maria Clara: 10,347
25) Antonella: 10,268
26) Liz: 10,148
27) Maria Julia: 9,700
28) Aurora: 9,296
29) Maria Helena: 9,292
30) Valentina: 9,101
31) Isaac: 9,060
32) Lorenzo: 8,982
33) Joaquim: 8,566
34) Isis: 8,373
35) Sophia: 8.324
36) Levi: 8,203
37) Lucas: 7,874
38) Enzo Gabriel: 7,690
39) Julia: 7,655
40) Maya: 7,507
41) Eloá: 7,503
42) Maria Luiza: 7,239
43) Elisa: 7,154
44) Maria Eduarda: 6,959
45) Henrique: 6,957
46) João Pedro: 6,814
47) Pedro Henrique: 6,759
48) Rafael: 6,710
49) Livia: 6,655
50) Manuela: 6,520
Source: R7