Marcelo Mattoso Ferreira

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Contact: ( 55 11 ) 3069 9080
Languages: Portuguese and English
OAB: OAB/RJ 174886
Area(s) of Expertise: Array
About: Marcelo developed his career in the area of Civil Litigation. The growth of the sector of Games and Sports, in Brazil and worldwide, coupled with his personal experience and full knowledge of the value chain sector, led him to the creation of a specific area in the office. Being an enthusiast of this industry, Marcelo follows and participates actively in the main events of Games and Sports in the Brazilian scenario, which ensures a perfect understanding of the business and the identification of ideal solutions for the development of our clients.
  • Graduated in Law from UNESA - Universidade Estácio de Sá - 2011.
  • LL.M. in Law - Innovation and Technology - Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School - RJ.
Other activities:
  • Playmatch PRO Consultant

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